This year we weren’t being drowned with relentless rain, so I got busy catching up on a years’ deferred maintenance.

First up was another retaining wall behind the studio, which helps level the ground higher up the section and also makes walking around the back of the studio a lot easier. It’s the smallest retaining wall I’ve built on the section, but the most complicated with angles.

Next up was a staircase leading from the studio deck up to the new platform, way safer than the slippery grass slope. Fitting it in with the wall was a bit of a puzzle, still not quite finished but I’m waiting to see how the ground settles.

Then our little gallery needed attention, firstly a good clean, so all the pots and shelving was removed. Then a repaint of the walls as the ‘whitewash’ paint job was looking tired, a ceiling touch up and finally the floor was sanded and stained black and two coats of Danish Oil applied. The furniture also had a makeover (apart from the shelves that utalise an old ladder) some old rimu was cleaned, oiled and became the uprights, then some of the old shelving was cut down or joined together to make two new shelving units. More is planned as time allows.